„The prize strengthens the state capital’s identification with our European identity.“
Michael Kempchen directed the Puppet Theater Magdeburg for 33 years. During his directorship, he always took an international, and above all European, approach to his work.
His commitment to Europe continues in his work as a member of the prize committee for the Emperor Otto Prize.
“Strengthening people’s identification with their city and country is also particularly important for good economic development. The decision to award the Emperor Otto Prize was and is an important step towards a lasting identification with our state capital. A European identity cannot be achieved and secured through economic and financial aspects alone. Knowledge and understanding of the culture and traditions in the countries of Europe, the shared experience of cultural work and knowledge of innovative developments in cultural life in the countries of Europe are in fact a basic prerequisite. My commitment to our state capital continues in my work as a member of the prize committee and is a great honor for me personally.”
Picture credits: Anjelika Conrad