Prize committee decides on nomination for the Emperor Otto Prize 2025
Big events cast their shadows ahead: on 21 February 2024, the Emperor Otto Cultural Foundation’s prize committee nominated the winner of the Emperor Otto Prize 2025. Next year marks the 20th anniversa

© Romy Buhr
The Emperor Otto Prize is the highest and most important honour awarded by the City of Magdeburg. Awarded for the first time in 2005, a special anniversary is on the agenda for the coming year. There are two occasions to celebrate: 20 years have passed since the Emperor Otto Prize was awarded for the first time. It is also the 10th time the prize has been awarded. Important international personalities have received this prestigious honour to date. Former German President Richard von Weizsäcker, the OSCE, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and, most recently in 2023, Slovakian President Zuzana Čaputová.
The Emperor Otto Cultural Foundation, whose founders are the City of Magdeburg and Sparkasse MagdeBurg, convenes a prize committee every two years. Chaired by Mayor Simone Borris, the committee discusses who should be awarded the Emperor Otto Prize in the following year. The prize is awarded to personalities and institutions that have made a special commitment to European cohesion, peace, diversity and understanding and have thus earned international respect and recognition. A special focus is placed on Eastern Europe and South-East Europe. The Emperor Otto Prize therefore also sends out a political statement that this part of the continent should also be recognised and not forgotten.

© Romy Buhr
The prize committee met on 21 February 2024 in Magdeburg’s Gesellschaftshaus to agree on a candidate. In addition to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and the Chair of the Executive Board, the selection committee is made up of appointed public figures from society, art and culture, science and academia as well as politics. For the first time, representatives of the European Parliament also took part in the meeting in person and via digital connection. In addition to personalities who have already been involved in this selection process several times, there were also new members this year. The prize committee meeting was also a first for Mayor Simone Borris. When she took office as mayor, she was also appointed Chair of the Cultural Foundation’s Board of Trustees.

© Romy Buhr
The nomination of the laureate of the Emperor Otto Prize 2025 took place in a closed session. This year, 12 personalities were considered for selection. Although the Emperor Otto Prize has only been awarded to politically active individuals in the past, the circle of potential nominees is not limited to politics. Rather, the nominees are generally characterised by exemplary pro-European commitment and dedication to liberal-democratic values. Raising one’s voice in favour of this common European idea, leading the way with courage, determination and respect and also defying resistance are the criteria for nomination for the most important award of the City of Magdeburg.
The decision-making process has been finalised. After long and intensive deliberation, the award committee was able to agree on a joint award winner. Preparations for initial contact have already begun. Following feedback and internal voting, the Kaiser Otto Prize winner will be announced publicly in 2025.